When she stares at your mouth -Kiss her ... ... [Don't kiss her, she might actually be debating if she should tell you you have food stuck in your braces]
When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy cause she thinks she's stronger than you -Grab her and don't let go [NEVER grab a girl and don't let go. That's called rape in a court of law.]
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough -Kiss her and tell her you love her [She's a bitch with a potty mouth, dump her ass]
When she's quiet -Ask her whats wrong [Be thankful she isn't talking for a few minutes. There is probably nothing wrong.]
When she ignores you -Give her your attention [Enjoy the break and call a friend to go play football]
When she pulls away -Pull her back [Again, not a good idea]
When you see her at her worst -Tell her she's beautiful [OK, do this one. That's pretty nice.]
When you see her start crying -Just hold her and don't say a word [No... ask her "What the f*ck is wrong now?!"]
When you see her walking -Sneak up and hug her waist from behind [Really? Gay.]
When she's scared -Protect her [Honestly? You'll probably be scared, too.]
When she steals your favorite hoodie -Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night [Unless it's Abercrombie or important. Then your mom will kick your ass.]
When she teases you -Tease her back and make her laugh [Why is that bitch teasing you?]
When she doesn't answer for a long time -Reassure her that everything is okay [Why is something wrong? So confused.]
When she looks at you with doubt -Back yourself up [Back yourself up with a few friends who have your back.]
When she says that she loves you -she really does more than you can understand [Seriously. Because she has hormones that you do not.]
When she grabs at your hands -Hold hers and play with her fingers [Unless they're sticky. Because then ewwwww.]
When she bumps into you -Bump into her back and make her laugh [Or just form tackle her and tell her to quit bumping into you.]
When she tells you a secret -Keep it safe and untold [Except tell your mom because if someone ever says 'don't tell anyone,' remember you are supposed to tell your mom.]
When she looks at you in your eyes -dont look away until she does [What are you, cats?]
When she says it's over -she still wants you to be hers [Yeah, because she's a possessive little wench.]
When she reposts this bulletin -she wants you to read it [Not your mom, though. But she did.]
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything [Why?]
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go [Revert back to first and second comment about this not being a good idea. Holding someone against their will is also kidnapping.]
- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you [I remember all my boyfriends whether they were nice or mean. Just be you for God's sake.]
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her [Unless you're asleep, of course.]
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you [Um no. Your family should always matter more.]
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick [Gross, really? I mean HOWWWWW sick? You don't want to catch it. And shouldn't she be sleeping instead of staying up all night?]
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid [Not a bad idea but your friends will laugh at you.]
- Give her the world. [Yeah right. How are you planning to get "the world" with no job?]
- Let her wear your clothes [Unless she's bigger than you.]
-When she's bored and sad, hang out with her [Pre-teenage girls are ALWAYS bored and sad. You need to have a life outside of this chick. She sounds like a real pain.]
-Let her know she's important. [blahblahblah]
- Kiss her in the pouring rain [Sure, if you want to catch pneumonia. ~Love, Grandma]
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose butt am i kicking,BABY?" [Remember, if you get caught kicking someones butt, it better be for a better reason than this.] |
Sweet baby Jebus!!! Were we really like this (don't answer that question). But yes, I agree with you. This "chick" sounds psycho. Staring, cursing, hitting, demanding, moody, over-powering, insecure, sobbing, somewhat masochistic, thief, and all around split personality??? No wonder boys didn't want to ask us out at that age. YIKES!!! Run Forest Run ....